There's still time to register for this powerful course! Create, expand, improve your relationship with yourself, others, and the world while strengthening your nervous and immune systems, increasing lung capacity, cultivating your intuition and more.... The course includes an optional, powerful, 40-day live meditation that addresses stress, negative emotions from the past, and even ancestral "stuff".
During this course we will practice sets and meditations to create companionship, improve communication, heal wounds and more. You will have the option to practice a relationship meditation for 40 days--the time it takes to break a habit or form a new one. You will be accompanied by your teacher. This course is about creating, improving and expanding real relationships with yourself, others and the world.
Energy exchange is $125 for the 5 week course. Pay in full or make two payments.
PayPal $125 or $CashApp $125 to $MutShat108 before the start of the course. OR,
Two Payments: PayPal $64 by May 6th or $CashApp to $MutShat108
PayPal the balance of $64 by May 14th or $CashApp to $MutShat108
All ability levels are welcome.
Wahe Guru! How great is this wisdom!